Proper tools
Here is a shot of my chest mounted documentation rig. It’s got a camera for stills and video plus a flashlight. Both tools are high end precision pieces of gear for the professional. The camera is the Replay Prime X and the light a First Light Tomahawk. Either can be dismounted for individual use in a moment yet stay securely in place when moving around. Using this rig I can see what I need to and document clearly what is going on for my clients. The pouch itself is also made by First light, it’s designed as a military corpsman’s rig so they can work on wounded troops with hands free lighting. For pest control work it holds the tools I need very well. The camera can be connected wirelessly to my iPhone so I can frame shots and operate it through both still and video settings. Our industry requires documentation and the ability to share site conditions real time quickly and efficiently with clients is golden. Pictures and video can allow action to be taken much sooner getting the right parties involved with the power to make positive changes.