Quiznos for internet
Thank goodness for local businesses where a person can hang out and get work done. Our local Quizno's has great high speed service...
Thank goodness for local businesses where a person can hang out and get work done. Our local Quizno's has great high speed service...
Getting started with Eddingers in Fort Myers, Florida. Over 100 PMPs here for the classes....
This is the cartridge for the Omega Green Supreme vacuum from Atrix. The best vacuum design ever for the PMP. The HEPA cartridge system...
Wow, we had a fantastic session in West Palm Beach today. EPCEC number 5 we have 15 more meetings to go. Great crowd...
Keith Brown handles all of the administrative duties for the classes we conduct around the state of Florida here he helps a client with...
I attended the Ontario conference while Kate handled the FPMA in Florida. Yes I gave her the better weather and nicer surroundings but...
For day to day work a knife is an essential tool. Things need to be cut, trimmed or opened and a sharp easily manipulated...
During one of her presentations Penny Oen points put a rule change in the state regulations for the group. At our EPCEC meetings...
Penny Oen gives some opening remarks as Keith Brown reviews the attendees information. This is the second Eddinger's Pest Control Training Center class...
Sacramento CA. this morning for PCOC, folks are just wandering in. Should be a great meeting....